Sunday, February 1, 2009

SuperSOUL Sunday

The ultimate soul showdown.

Marvin vs. Al

Round 1-- Marvin

Brandy: So how do you think he did there, Erica.
Erica: Well, he started off strong with that opening sequence.
Brandy: Extra points for beads of sweat.
Erica: His back-up dancers are really holding it down with that arm-hold, hand-to-stomach- press move of theirs.
Brandy: And by the end, I was just totally mesmerized by the costuming. Sequined vest paired with beaded AND sequined bright red jacket. I have to give this at least 30 points. Touchdown.

Round 2-- Al Green

Erica: I love the start of this! Here is some soul, and its coming straight from the heart, baby.
Brandy: Strong start. I have to say though, I believe there's a fumble around the 52 second mark. Definitely flat.
Erica: Mmm yes, I saw and I tried to ignore. Although the quick fumble of the eybrows and smooth swinging snaps gained a couple points.
Brandy: And the plaid jacket. Another touchdown.



Brandy: I think we both agree it was pretty close.
Erica: Not one of the strongest singers but he really pulled the show together; he didn't fall flat.
Brandy: In the final analysis, Gaye had the best costume AND gained real support from his team's strategic pelvic moves.

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