Sunday, February 1, 2009

SuperSOUL Sunday

The ultimate soul showdown.

Marvin vs. Al

Round 1-- Marvin

Brandy: So how do you think he did there, Erica.
Erica: Well, he started off strong with that opening sequence.
Brandy: Extra points for beads of sweat.
Erica: His back-up dancers are really holding it down with that arm-hold, hand-to-stomach- press move of theirs.
Brandy: And by the end, I was just totally mesmerized by the costuming. Sequined vest paired with beaded AND sequined bright red jacket. I have to give this at least 30 points. Touchdown.

Round 2-- Al Green

Erica: I love the start of this! Here is some soul, and its coming straight from the heart, baby.
Brandy: Strong start. I have to say though, I believe there's a fumble around the 52 second mark. Definitely flat.
Erica: Mmm yes, I saw and I tried to ignore. Although the quick fumble of the eybrows and smooth swinging snaps gained a couple points.
Brandy: And the plaid jacket. Another touchdown.



Brandy: I think we both agree it was pretty close.
Erica: Not one of the strongest singers but he really pulled the show together; he didn't fall flat.
Brandy: In the final analysis, Gaye had the best costume AND gained real support from his team's strategic pelvic moves.

trinket show

As trinkets are one of our interests, we decided to do a "trinket show" of trinkets collected in the recent past. Can I say trinkets one more time? Trinkets.

paying hommage

this was the day we became inspired to make a website. it also expresses our passion for kanye.

brandy acts awkward on purpose.

south end september.

we have a blog.